Sunday 19 February 2012

Mmm. Deadliness of irony 3?

On Thursday I went shopping with my mates. Lets call one of them - Jane.Jane came over to my house in the morning, and we set off for the train station 18 minutes before the departure time.
I stumbled around with my boots, attempting to walk.
There was a can on the road by us that was going so slow. Whoops, I meant "van on the road". My brother forbade me to use the backspace key.
There was a van on the road by us that was going so slow. Then, it drove ahead of us. Then, it pulled over. So we walked ahead of it again.
Excuse my bad narration.
So we joked about, saying we overtook the van. Hahahahaha.
We had to walk by a primary school, and there was this sign-y thing that lit up with '30' if you went too fast (over 30 mph theoretically). I made this hilarious joke about how the thing lit up when we past it, but we just didn't see it because we were too fast. Hahahahaha.
Walk. walk. walk.
We arrived at the train station.

And, er, how do I say this.

Well, we missed the train.

By 3 minutes.

Even though every time I set off 18 minutes before I make it in time.

So, er, it seems we were a bit, well, slow.

The next train was in 2 hours.

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