Sunday 3 July 2011

Livin on a prayer

I'm an agnostic. I don't believe in God, but is open-minded and prepared to give the belief a chance.
When I was a younger, I usually said a little prayer before going to bed. And they usually went something like this...
'Our father, I don't believe in you, but just in case you do exist I want my homework to be done, and I hope I can find the watch I've lost. If you exist please will you make these things happen and I will believe in you. Amen"
I was such a faithful believer.

Deadliness of Irony 2

Everybody knows that girls are more complicated than boys, especially in their friendship.
While I was on the bus on the way home, my friend, lets call him boy, started slating off girls on how fickle their friendships were. How they always seemed to have arguments every half and hour then make up right after. His friend, lets call him boy2, nodded fervently backing him 'mate' up.
I argued back that when girls argue its because they have a problem they want to deal with and when they make up they are better friends because the problem is dealt with. Meanwhile boys, only keep stuff to themselves and punch each other.

THEN, this argument continued for the majority of the bus journey. Boy2 saw the light and started arguing FOR my point.
And while slating that girls have pointless arguments, boy started calling boy2 names, and boy2 started shouting at boy. They were full on arguing about how they hated each other. boy2 even made boy cry.
It was such a girly argument, and ruined two boy's friendship.
For that day anyway, they made up afterwards.

Mentoring fail

So I'm going to be a year 10 next year and a few of us get the chance to be mentors for the new year 7 students coming up this year. And on Friday these students got the chance to come up to the secondary school for the day, getting to know their class and school.
One of the activities were getting into pairs and sharing a story of something that happened to you recently. I saw a boy sitting on him own so I decided to work with him.
And because I'm pretty stupid, and only heard the words 'story', I gave him a hell of an awesome fairytale.
While every one was talking about how they 'went to the cinema and tripped over' and 'falling off the bike'. My story went something like....
'Once upon a time, there was a boy who hunted animals everday, One day, the animals got really angry and started and animal army...."
Patronising much? Cringe much?