Saturday 10 August 2013

Hot weather continued

Third day, we woke up a little past six in the morning, in hope of avoiding the glare of the midday sun.
A bearable walk to the train station later, as it was still early and the Sun was low enough to avoid, we took the train heading to Sorrento, but ourselves visiting Ercolano.


So we went to this place called Herculaneum, which (I'm pretty sure) is an architectural..... just wikipedia'ed it, it was an ancient Roman town destroyed by the volcano eruptions. It really was quite wonderful to get an insight to how they lived, and also in a slightly boring and historic way beautiful.

That's me standing on the bridge about the excavation site.
I stand there for the photo and run back into the shade right after.

The views from above.

What's really amazing about the site, is you can kind of see even in its ruins that it was a grand town, enforced by the statues, the colours and pillars and mosaics.

I really don't like the fact I can't put pictures side by side on blogger. If I had it my way it would be in a better layout.

Oh, I'm worried I like karaoke videos on youtube too much, (totally off topic) I can sing awfully with no comparison, it's pretty awesome.

Oh, and let me demonstrate the facilities of a Roman home:
Me crouching over a toilet hole, very ladylike.

And taking a bath in a Roman bath.

We went to a nearby museum, to watch a 3D movie about the volcano (which we highly enjoyed as there was air-conditioning). The platform shook when the 'volcano' erupted, and I admit I found it slightly slightly scary when it looks like there is lava hurling at you. But it was nice nonetheless to sit down in a room with air conditioning, or have I already said?

We ate we went home we had a siesta.

For supper Dad had a rather unpleasant Italian version of pasta and beans with lots of hard bits in.

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