Thursday 19 July 2012

Hello Hong Kong.

Summer Holidays has officially begun for me. Missing the last two days of school, one supposedly sports day which never will, I made my way to Hong Kong with my family.
On Wednesday morning, the alarm clock woke me up at 4 am, pack pack, brush teeth, pack pack, eat, go to the toilet, and into the car we went. After 3 and a half hours in our red car, (adjectives are very important in narrations), we pulled up near the airport. The red car zoomed skillfully into the long-term stay car park. And I have already forgotten where we placed the car. Its one of my slight fault, we could park the car in a small car-park with about 100 places, I could walk out and completely forget where we left it.
Heaving our luggage with heroic strength we waited for the bus which would take us to terminal 5 in Heathrow, which apparently is the best airport lounge in the world, or the so the world voted.
We boarded the plane at about 12, and we took off at 12:30ish at noon. We sat in the plane as it flew across the globe for around 12 hours, that was it, it should be midnight and we can sleep.
Nope, times are different all over the world, it was 7 in the morning, start of a new day, we had missed 7 hours or our desired night.
The green taxi took us to our grandparents', and with our 3 large suitcases, the boot hung open, to my amused horror. We lingered at the flat, trying not to fall asleep and unpacking. I changed into nice cool clothes, and immediately felt cooler.
Another green taxi, obviously identical, but different took us to a nearby town centre and we had lunch. I had rice noodles with beef tripe, and fried fish skin, and of course a compulsory lemon ice tea which you cannot go to these restaurants without ever ordering one. My parents took off to do businessy stuff, and our gran took my brother and me back to the house. My brother, as clever as he usually is, wore a long sleeve grey top.Which is stupid, as its over 30 degrees celcius here, and immensely humid with a storm warning.
Though we had to take a necessary detour to buy cake and drinks, and chewing gum. But afterwards we ran across a road, while I was wimpering 'Ohmygod, ohmygod, what am I doing?' to myself, to the bus stop. Bus took us back to the flat.
My brother took a nap, and fell asleep, and I decided to procrastinate and play silly games on the laptop while I waited for the swimming pool to open. Then it came down. I just left Wales for lovely (not really lovely after the first day) sunny Hong Kong, and it rained. After a while, the rain stopped, and I decided to change into my bikini, took my towel and vouchers and made my way to the outdoor swimming pool. There was a sign outside, warning of a storm coming, meaning the pool was closed. So I walked back by myself feeling like a fool with my towel. I really wanted to swim.

Its now 7pm ish here, and I've already fell into a deep nap, in which I was reluctantly forced to come out of to eat dinner. All my friends are still in school, halfway across the world, and they're having their lunch break, and I hope they miss me.

I will be going to China in 3 days, and I will be able to teach English teachers English and how to teach English in general. A powerpoint has been prepared to show them my life in Wales, but I have to speak ever so slowly. If you know me in person, you probably would still think I speak normally, but they won't be used to my 'British accent' and I have to pronounce words slowly. Thats going to be hard for me, and if I do manage it, the bet is I will end up sounding ever so patronizing.

Hello Hong Kong, bye bye Wales, see you soon China.

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