Sunday 10 June 2012

Circles and Breakfast

I have always loved food.
I even wanted to be a food critic, I enjoy writing at best of times, but mainly I was delighted at the idea of being able to visit different restaurants and eating a range of food.

I read Sunday magazines every Monday, and there is always a piece on a 'fine' restaurant in there.

It usually starts off talking about something what the writer did, or their adventures, such as going to a football match, and then about the restaurant and the food.
This enables puns and descriptions of atmosphere and food 'connecting' with their adventures, without really talking about the food.

Perhaps I'll be a food photographer, you just need a camera, *snaps, work done. Oh and eat the food of course.

Maybe I'll combine the two.

'I woke up in the morning and learnt about circle theorems, and then revised some Science. Then suddenly I ended up in 'My house' for breakfast.
I looked at the aesthetically pleasing tin, and thought 'Wow, that's funny, I just learnt about circles and could totally work out the volume of this tin.'

The light seeped in through the windows, and made the room clean and bare, which made the food look much more interesting with the stark contrast.

'Oh look, we could actually see the cooking of the food. That is a nice unique aspect.' I said.
And we could see the dim blue light of the gas cooker. Haha, that's funny, I've been learning Physics, and all I could think about was the Specific Heat Capacity of the pasta. Perhaps there was a deeper meaning, or fate to the reason I ended up there to eat.

Oh, finally the food was served, and the waitress talked. The waitress left, as if she had lots of food to serve.

The pasta were in such interesting shapes, and didn't half bad. I put them in my mouth and the flavours exploded like volcanoes in Iceland, not a huge spontaneous firework, but a oozing one, effective nonetheless.

In the end I gave the restaurant a total of 6 points, because it was great value. But the food did not excite me like Glee does.'

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