Friday 1 June 2012


So Corinne, you haven't written much have you recently?
No Corinne, you haven't, so what are you going to do about it?
What have you been up to recently that's been exciting you can talk about?
Why don't you talk about school?

So we've had some of our lessons assessed (investigated?) by some senior members of staff. And our English teacher was quite nervous about it, although she did come up with a pretty funky plan to hopefully get more equipment for her classroom.
We have a projector in our classroom, which projects the computer screen onto the whiteboard (not an interactive one, just ones you write on), and she really wanted to an interactive one.
We also have half-destroyed blinds in the classroom, and she wanted new ones.
And.... there are terrible speakers connected to the computer...

So, before the deputy head came in, she would make a big fuss about running back and for from the whiteboard to her computer, such as she would annotate the notes on the board then suddenly have to run back to the computer to change something.
Then, she would put a video clip on, which she told a girl at the back to complain loudly that she could not hear it.
Also a boy at the front was instructed to say that he could not see the projection clearly-
- in which he went over the top and wanted to say 'Maybe I should close the blinds, (turns around dramatically), oh wait, we don't have proper blinds.'

The deputy head came in, and we continued to do our work, much quieter than usual. Then our teacher started out little 'play' as such. She literally ran from the whiteboard to the computer to put the video clip on, and I collapsed into a fit of giggles, and had to bury my head in my arms while the boy sitting opposite gave me warning looks.

Unfortunately, before the rest of our plan could unfold, the deputy head decided he had seen enough and left the classroom.
And the whole class was ready to burst out laughing, and our teacher just put her finger to her lips and gestured for us to wait until he was outside hearing range.
Then we all laughed. 

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