Sunday 20 January 2013

Cut for bieber and Lance Armstrong.

It has died down now hasn't it?
So in case you haven't heard, cut for bieber was a trend that started on twitter about a week or so ago. It was said that Justin Bieber (some teenage pop star, who can sing, but is a tad overrated) had taken weed (one spliff) aaaaaand this caused a few stupid teenage girls to slit their wrists.
It was apparently to protest against him smoking it, or just out of pure upset, or something just as stupid.
This is absolutely ridiculous. Cutting wrists, and self harm is a serious problem, and the fact that this is now rooted from hearing about some singer who doesn't know or care who you are, has taken weed, is stupid.
The celebrity endorsement has gone too far. Its one thing to have his poster up in your room, but to hurt your own body because of something stupid he did?
Its only one spliff. I'm surprised it has taken him so long to try one. He's an international pop star, he has fame and money, and problems we don't know about, its not a big surprise he has.
I was cutting pears with a huge knife, and I don't know if you heard, but I cut myself. Slightly. I told people it was a cut for bieber. Thank heavens that everyone in my school laughed and thought the whole thing silly. And perhaps attention seeking. I shouldn't say. But there is a definite problem within their lives.

I often listen to my favourite podcast, and it talked about Lance Armstrong. However I'm very far behind, so the episode I was listening to was from about a year ago. Tim and Tom were speculating at Armstrong's denial of drug taking/steroid taking, and they both believed he was lying. So it was interesting to hear the recent news.
They also argued about the use of steroids. While I think it's okay to use them for own personal performance enhancement, perhaps working out in a gym, when its official competitions, especially ones as prestigious as tour de France, it's not fair.
It's about the pure ability and the training the competitors have put it, and taking enhancement is an unfair advantage. If it was allowed in the rules, everyone would have to take it just to be in the competition. And it would be awfully biased upon which steroids are the best. Plus, not everyone wants to destroy their body with chemicals.

Heavily opinionated today.

Au revoir.

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