Friday 7 December 2012

London trip with the clever people P1

As I am one of the twelve 'cleverest' people in my year at school, this means I am part of the Express group (Gifted and Talented). Or as my mother likes to call it, the twelve apostles. Or disciples as she just came in to add.
 Its actually a pretty decent thing to be involved in, we gets lots of opportunity to listen to lectures and go to workshops we usually would not have the chance to. Although we did have to do a stupid numbers qualification which aside from many hours, it also involved going to a little heritage centre for a day to do maths. But I had my first subway there. Overrated. I can imagine a lot of people who would kill me for saying that, but, it's a sandwich. Anyone can make a sandwich. I would rather a burger any day.

So last weekend, as a treat for completing the maths qualification, our headteacher and assistant head took us to London, for a very intensive but also uberly fun two days.

Most of us woke up at 4 am in the morning for this trip, which none of really see, except when people stay up to 4 playing Xbox or something. There were no street-lights  and the only light was the moonlight. Which is rather cheesy. I let myself out the house with my rucksack and went to find Bryony to walk to our meeting point. And because its not everyday you get the chance to, we walked in the middle of the road.

After a 5 hour journey in the minibus, the headteacher dropped us off at a random tube station. I think it was Osterley.

'The next stop is Boston Manor, the train terminates at Cockfosters.'
And at the word 'Cockfosters' Dan burst into giggles. Which of course makes all the rest of us laugh. (They were 11 of us, plus Miss, and Mr.). The thing that made it all even more hysterical were the daily Londoners sitting on the tube, silent and still, silently scrutinising us.  This happened at every single stop, and as soon as the announcement starts, all of us immediately turn to look at Dan, which only makes him twice as vulnerable to the giggles. By the sixth station, after covering his face, and concentrating deeply, he managed not to laugh at the word 'Cockfosters'. He had a little celebration, pumping his fist in the air, which only made us laugh a little more.
Ah..... and we're supposed to be smartest of the bunch.

We arrived at Leicster square for the Gifted and Talented conference, at the Odeon theatre. The series of lectures were good. Unfortunately, in the lecture just before lunch.... I may have fell asleep. Which was a pity really, as it was about celebrity obsession, which was actually the most interesting topic there. The guy did like to make a lot of Jimmy Saville jokes though.

Some of us went for a Burger King at lunch. They have cool drinks machine, with a touch screen.

For the second half of the lectures the boys brought popcorn. Which is fine by me as they shared it with me.

After this we had a little while to go shopping in Convent Garden. I really adore the place, as it was extra special with all the Christmas decorations. The giant red baubles and the lights which filled the place. The street artists who pretended to risk their lives with a potential to drown, but we couldn't really get excited as they were too far away to see.

Our next stop was the alternative art tours around the East End London, where the infamous Jack the Ripper murders happened. Of course, we have to stop for a Costa coffee first.

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