Friday, 3 February 2012

A writer's block. And lets just talk.

When one finds oneself stuck.
I would not call it a writer's block.
But rather a lack of inspiration.
And though I would not call it, oh I don't know, a lack of oxygen.
It does feel a little empty.
So I will just talk.
Romeo and Juliet.
What we are studying in English.
And I must admit I hate to admit this.
I 'kinda' appreciate Shakespeare.
I guess when you look at something in depth.
There's always more.
And that something more.
Is what makes it so clever.
And how he uses poetry and writing skills.
Well, I wish I had his skills
And then there's my shaved carrot joke.
A joke a fine comedian - yours truly, made up.
But everything think its terrible.
But everyone still laughs at its stupidity.
And in a way.
Thats why its a joke.
Its not clever, but it made people laugh.
In fact, one could say because of how bad it is.
Its good.

And, so with the effort of a tired Friday evening brain.
I wrote a blog post.
Well, being uninspired.

What did the shaved carrot say to the cucumber?
'I'm smoother than you.'
What did the cucumber say to the shaved carrot?
'At least I'm cooler than you.'

I'm joking, its just bad. But considering its the first joke I have ever made up.
I think I have a good chance of being better than Michael McIntyre.

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